
Rolfing is suitable for people of all ages and states of health, including babies and children. You also don't need to have a 'problem' with your body to benefit from the work.

What is Fascia and what has it got to do with my body?

Jackie working on client's arm

Fascia is a special type of connective tissue which connects the whole body from the top of your head to the sole of your foot. At the same time it guarantees the stability of the inner shape by enveloping the individual parts of the body, dividing it into layers and cavities. It supports organs, muscles, bones, the brain and nervous system. This fascia plays a major role in supporting the body due to its plastic and elastic qualities. It can therefore be shaped through life events, trauma, daily patterns of posture, even strong emotions.

Jackie working on client's back

As an example, if you have a sprained ankle, the body will form extra fascia in the area that has been over-stretched to guarantee more stability to the joint. Most of the time though, the body over does this task of stabilisation and this can eventually restrict the movement of the joint. The consequences of such a restriction, although appearing only local initially, can eventually affect the posture and range of motion of the whole body.

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“To me, strength is balance. Maximum strength exists in terms of muscles that are balanced.”

 –  Ida Rolf

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The term Rolfing® is a registered service mark of the ROLF INSTITUTE of Structural Integration, Boulder, Colorado, USA